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Bored at Work? Here’s What You Can Do

Two Tips to Overcome Complacency at Work


Do you lack energy? Are you bored with your job? Here are two quick tips to get those “happy” endorphins flowing and get you reengaged in your day.

Tip One – Exercise: Exercising releases endorphins, which ultimately produce more energy and put you in a better mood. Like Nike says, “Just Do It”. You’ll have a better outlook on your day. Exercise can lighten your mood, helping you reengage in your day. You don’t have to hire a personal trainer or even join a gym. It’s as simple as taking a quick walk or jog. As you’ll see from the example below, it can have multiple benefits you may not have anticipated.


In a previous blog for one of my clients, General Insulation, I interviewed employees committed to health and wellness.   In the interviews I hoped to hear stories of successful weight loss, exercise and eating habit changes, and I did. What I didn’t expect was to hear about the impact being healthy made in self-confidence, focus, productivity and overall happiness. Melissa Smith tells us how she discovered the benefits of running marathons and what it did for her.



My health commitment, especially my dedication to running, has been more of a way to “keep going” and push through tough times. After losing my brother in a car accident in 2007, I started running as a way to clear my head and work through the grief from my loss.

One day a friend asked if I would run a marathon. It seemed like a great way to use the head-clearing miles while giving back to a good cause. I ran the Boston Marathon in 2008 for a charity called Horizon for Homeless Children and, while one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, gave me a huge sense of accomplishment.


One thing I did not anticipate was that running that marathon increased my level of self-confidence, especially at work. I used to dread having to give presentations. With my newfound sense of confidence, I am able to walk into a meeting and make a presentation on the spot with no problem.


Another coworker Brian says:

I’ve always tried to be physically active. Riding bikes keeps me fit. It keeps me from becoming complacent. It gives me a goal to strive towards. I’m more energetic and the endorphins released by exercising keep me mentally and physically in tune. I’m in a much better mood at work and able to stay focused.  



Tip Two: Laughter: Laughter releases endorphins and taps into our inner child.

Having fun in the workplace sets a good mood. Smart companies figured out that when people have fun at their jobs they tend to be more productive, give better customer service and are less absent.


An easy place to start having fun is to identify a few holidays and make them dress-up occasions. Hold contests for the best dressed, most creative, etc. Have employees vote for the winners so they will get engaged. Add customers and vendors and you’ve involved your community. You will be showing the lighter side of your culture…after all, who doesn’t like to have fun?


Do one of these three things at your next meeting:


1)Ask people to share an embarrassing moment.

2)Make anyone that’s late to a meeting sing a song.

3)Form a “Fun Committee” to find  ways different departments can infuse fun into their teams.


So, set a personal goal to abolish boredom and negativity through exercise and laughter. Not only will you be “happier”, you’ll elevate the mood of your team and be on your way to creating a Happy Workplace, a Happy Employee and a Happy Customer.